NP44 2 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

NP44 2 is a postcode sector in Torfaen, UK. Below is a complete list of NP44 2 Postcodes (Active). NP44 2 postcode sector comprises of 159 active postcodes. NP44 2 sector has a population of 5643, and it has 2586 properties in the region.

Browse Information On NP44 2 postcode sector

NP44 2 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5643
Addresses / Property Count 2586
Active Postcodes 159
Nearby Postcode Districts 23
Nearby Postcode Sectors 8

View Map Of NP44 2 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 159 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
NP44 2AG 51.65091400 -3.00259700 2 4 330733 195156
NP44 2AH 51.65562500 -3.00432800 11 23 330620 195682
NP44 2AL 51.65622600 -3.00348800 18 32 330679 195748
NP44 2AN 51.65555200 -3.00240400 27 56 330753 195672
NP44 2AP 51.65630200 -3.00301300 6 9 330712 195756
NP44 2AQ 51.65288900 -3.00361700 7 12 330665 195377
NP44 2AR 51.65630500 -3.00260800 6 10 330740 195756
NP44 2AS 51.65669200 -2.99946500 13 25 330958 195796
NP44 2AT 51.65714300 -3.00034300 6 7 330898 195847
NP44 2AU 51.65691800 -3.00041000 6 7 330893 195822
NP44 2AW 51.65618800 -3.00056700 17 36 330881 195741
NP44 2AX 51.65682400 -3.00084200 6 11 330863 195812
NP44 2AY 51.65803600 -2.99997200 29 71 330925 195946
NP44 2AZ 51.65883700 -3.00207100 16 37 330781 196037
NP44 2BA 51.65683900 -3.00123200 6 10 330836 195814
NP44 2BB 51.65730700 -3.00118500 12 25 330840 195866
NP44 2BD 51.65675300 -3.00180900 11 30 330796 195805
NP44 2BE 51.65767200 -3.00162600 17 48 330810 195907
NP44 2BG 51.65698300 -3.00437200 14 36 330619 195833
NP44 2BH 51.65686700 -3.00315600 22 51 330703 195819
NP44 2BJ 51.65345300 -3.00537100 N/A N/A 330545 195441
NP44 2BL 51.66005100 -3.00092700 27 51 330862 196171
NP44 2BQ 51.65808200 -3.00311000 14 28 330708 195954
NP44 2BY 51.67822200 -2.99294600 2 6 331442 198184
NP44 2BZ 51.66853400 -3.00153300 5 13 330833 197115
NP44 2DA 51.65869200 -3.01059800 8 23 330191 196029
NP44 2DB 51.67271400 -2.98784400 6 15 331786 197567
NP44 2DE 51.66155800 -2.97790000 15 35 332457 196317
NP44 2DF 51.65514800 -2.99168300 10 32 331494 195617
NP44 2DT 51.65643300 -3.00978100 7 13 330244 195777
NP44 2DU 51.65747700 -3.00857600 40 101 330329 195892
NP44 2DW 51.65981300 -3.01299400 51 68 330027 196156
NP44 2DX 51.65638800 -3.00665800 6 17 330460 195769
NP44 2DY 51.65915700 -3.01222000 2 6 330080 196082
NP44 2DZ 51.65827300 -3.01043700 4 7 330201 195982
NP44 2EA 51.65694400 -3.00574500 10 27 330524 195830
NP44 2EB 51.65816500 -3.00596000 7 24 330511 195966
NP44 2ED 51.65855600 -3.00754400 8 22 330402 196011
NP44 2EE 51.65756800 -3.00638000 25 67 330481 195900
NP44 2EF 51.65843800 -3.00663100 9 21 330465 195997
NP44 2EG 51.65777300 -3.00767200 31 80 330392 195924
NP44 2EH 51.65920200 -3.00874400 18 38 330320 196084
NP44 2EJ 51.65824300 -3.00948900 15 27 330267 195978
NP44 2EL 51.65908900 -3.00934900 7 18 330278 196072
NP44 2EN 51.65871000 -3.00536500 34 74 330553 196026
NP44 2EP 51.65755900 -3.00428400 4 4 330626 195897
NP44 2EQ 51.65873100 -3.00806900 17 40 330366 196031
NP44 2ER 51.65830800 -3.00401100 10 12 330646 195980
NP44 2ES 51.65877300 -3.00422400 14 37 330632 196032
NP44 2ET 51.65903400 -3.00455500 13 28 330610 196061
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